Computer Motherboard

AT motherboards are older, and not used now. The ATX and AT motherboards differ from the form element. Complete AT is 12 wide x 13.8 deep, and Baby AT is 8.57 wide x 13.04 deep. Complete ATX is 12 wide x 9.6 deep and Mini ATX is 11.2 wide x 8.2 deep. Other major differences include power source connector, and keyboard connector. AT has 5 pin keyboard connector. Similarly, AT has single row two connectors +\/-5V, and +\/-12V, whereas ATX motherboard has double row single connector providing +\/-5V, +\/-12V, and +3.3V. A typical ATX PC motherboard with constituent components is given below: Mouse & keyboard – USB – Parallel port – CPU Chip – RAM slots – Floppy controller – IDE controller – PCI slot – ISA slot – CMOS Battery – AGP slot – CPU slot – Power supply plug in – 1.

Mouse & keyboard: Keyboard Connectors are two types basically. All PCs have an integral board port attached to the motherboard. The oldest, but still common kind, is PCs until retained this style connector, and a DIN. The AT style keyboard connector is rapidly disappearing, being replaced by the smaller mini DIN PS\/2 style keyboard connector. You can use an AT style keyboard with a PS\/2 style socket by utilizing a converter. Although the AT connector is unique in PCs, the PS\/2 style mini DIN is also used in more modern PCs for the mouse. Most PCs that use the DIN for keyboard and your mouse mark each DIN socket as its use that is proper.

Some configurations have a USB connection, but these are quite rare compared to the PS\/2 connection keyboards. USB : Universal Serial Bus is your General purpose connection for PC. You’ll find Universal Serial Bus versions of numerous different devices, like mice, keyboards, scanners, cameras, and even printers. A Universal Serial Bus connector’s distinctive rectangular shape makes it readily recognizable. Universal Serial Bus includes a number of features that makes it especially popular on PCs.

First, Universal Serial Bus devices are hot swappable. You may insert or remove them without restarting your system. Parallel port: Most printers use a particular connector called a parallel port. Parallel port transmit data on one or more wire, as opposed to your serial port, that uses only one wire. Parallel ports use a 25 pin female DB connector. Parallel ports are directly supported by your motherboard via a direct connection or through a dangle. CPU Chip: The central processing unit, also called your microprocessor performs all your calculations that take place in a pc. CPUs come from Variety of shapes and sizes. Modern CPUs generate a lot of heat and therefore require a cooling fan or heat sink.