Fedora Linux

Requirements : Linux/UNIX/NIX
License : Freeware
File size : 3447.3MB

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The Fedora Linux is a project that was designed and sponsored by Red Hat, open for general participation and follows a set of project objectives. The main motto of this project is to build an achieved, general purpose operating system solely from open source software.

Who uses Fedora?

  • Linus Torvalds, the creator and primary maintainer of Linux does.
  • NASA systems.
  • Roadrunner, the number one Supercomputer in the world.
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux and OLPC and a lot of other derivative distributions.
  • Even some Robots do.
  • Millions users all over the globe.

If your answers to most of the below questions are ‘Yes’ then you need this software for your system:

  • Are you in a need of the latest stable software conserved and cultivated by a growing community of FOSS contributors?
  • Are you really eager to have a platform that features advanced technologies?
  • Is the idea of moving your computer’s OS a minimum of about once a year fine with you? This is done to make sure that you can use these technologies.
  • Do you care about sustainable progress in software freedom and innovation?
  • Do you want to become an integral part of an entity of contribution and helping drive innovation in FOSS?

The Red Hat engineering folks will continue to participate in building Fedora Core in the future as well.