Nokia has hit the market with its new Netbook3G, a mini laptop which promises almost 12 hours battery life. This is a wonderful device that has HD display offering a resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels.
The Netbook3G sports aluminum body and compact design and weighs 1.25kgs. Further, the notebook offers valuable features such as Bluetooth, GPS, 3G, HSDPA (3.5G), Wi-Fi, a 10-inch glass screen, HDMI port and SD card reader.
Nokia thinks that their new device can give tough competition to the latest high-end phones offered by other companies as it is highly portable and satisfy the increased consumer demand for mobile computing technology.
According to Kai Oistamo, Nokia’s Executive Vice President for Devices, “A growing number of people want the computing power of a personal computer with the full benefits of mobility.”
It is expected that the introduction of the Booklet 3G will bring a considerable change in the Nokia’s current business line.